Where does my health history start ? 

Written by Shirley Gay, retired pharmacist & homeopath

Well right from the moment of conception when the genetic mix from your parents and their ancestors come together in a random way and give you your unique genetic mix. This is a blue print for what is to come.

Mother’s health during her pregnancy is also important. Is she drinking and/or taking medication? Is she anxious about your birth? Is she happy or depressed? All these things impact on the unborn child. The birth may be traumatic, may be caesarean which does not contribute to the floral mix of the gut. So if your mother is allergic to something, then you too may be allergic, and it will show in your health.

The first seven years of life have a bearing on lifetime health. For examples, bad illnesses which took time to recover from, problems in the home environment causing fear or anxiety, bullying at school, lack of good nutrition, and poor living conditions.  All these things affect the type of health you could experience.

When we are young, we never consider how our health will be later on in life. We all think we are ten feet tall and bullet proof or “That will never happen to me”, but time and life impacts everyone. In order to be as healthy as possible, there are steps which need to be taken.

Diet is key. Eating natural homemade food is absolutely the best, cooking from basics with commodities without additives. Keep it simple, avoid the things which make you feel unwell. Avoid all drugs, alcohol, and smoking.  If you need a paracetamol (Tylenol) for a headache, occasionally, that is fine but ask yourself why you have that headache and don’t ignore the possible cause (Prevention is always the best course of action).  When you are unwell, then think of natural treatment like homeopathy, which will help to keep your body energies balanced. My advice is to see a homeopath every year just to fine tune it. You wouldn’t neglect your car in the way you might neglect your body.

Sleep is another very important component of healthy living. If you can’t sleep, then don’t reach for a sleeping pill but find another solution, like meditation or dealing with your anxieties and stresses. Are you getting enough exercise?  A sure way of ensuring better sleep.

So as you can see health should never be taken for granted. Your genetic mix will surely show up at sometime, so take steps to try to modify bad health history. Consider taking redox supplements which will repair and restore cells as well as improving your immune system. See an alternative practitioner at least once a year. Your doctor’s job is to diagnose illness; that is his/her main area of expertise. The pharmaceutical industry gives him/her the information he/she needs to provide drugs which will probably ease symptoms but not address the real cause of the problem. Certainly a surgeon will fix a broken bone, but while healing from an accident or a serious illness, give your body as much restorative healing power as you can.



What Is Redox?


Health & Pseudoscience