Health Principles

  • Do you know each of us actually has about 70 trillion cells in our body? Imagine each cell is worth at least $1 because it works very hard to keep us alive. Then we are worth 70 trillion dollars! Actually, our body is “priceless”! Our body should be treated like a Ferrari 250 GTO or a Lamborghini. But we would unquestionably pay gas to our regular car, take it for a oil change, tune up, but some of us tend to neglect this once a life time “car” (our body) that is running 24 hours and is the most reliable life time vehicle that takes us wherever we want to go as long as we live!

  • Imagine a body of a height between 5 to 6 feet, how all these 70 trillion cells manage to communicate with each others? Balance is a key. When things go out of balance, we don’t feel well. Our body is constantly aiming for achieving a balance, that is, homeostasis.

  • In our modern society, we tend to over do things, over work, over eat the food we love, over exert our body, prolong sitting on a chair that the body was not made for. Our body prefers moderation.

    Health principles are actually very simple: balance and moderation.

  • Last but not least. Listen to our body. When we don’t feel well, it is the body telling us that we need to take a rest, relax, and stay hydrated. When we don’t feel good after eating a certain food, it is a common sense to avoid eating the same food again.

    Like a tree, a strong root will hold up the tree and beautiful healthy leaves will blossom. We cannot take shortcuts by ignoring the root.


Physical Health