Brain Health 🧠


Our occupation depends on our brain. Our whole well being depends on our brain. To be able to connected with other people, we need our brain. To remember those beautiful memories, we need our brain to function well.

Our brain is connected to the health of our guts, our thought process, and the food we eat, and most importantly, the quality of our sleep.

Our brain is made up of a lot of fat and water. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of natural electrolyte water (simply adding a pinch of sea salt and squeeze 5 drops of fresh lemon in a liter of water). This is the simplest way for restoring the quality of our water for our whole body to absorb easily and rapidly without going through the process of digestion. It was accredited to Dr. Gary Samuelson, Ph.D. Atomic Medical Physicist.

Eat food that contains good “fat” for the brain such as avocado, coconut, and high quality Omega 3 fatty acids such as from wild-caught fish oil that provide EPA and DHA concentrate in the triglyceride form that the body recognizes.

Don’t forget to take a rest, take cat naps, self care, and more “me” time. This applies for both men and women. 5 minute relaxation a day as a mental detox will keep the doctor away!


Physical Health


Heart Health